Informationen über Manager 2877

Persönliche Headline:Leader in international people business: creating lasting value to your business deals.
Persönliches Profil:My USP is embracing experience in managing global HR portfolio through phases of transforming organizations by Out- & Insourcing, post-merger tranformation and setting up international target operation models in HR organizations or supporting them to the next level of organizational maturity. Offering 20 years of expertise in managing HR departments and acting in leadership roles for different global players. My attitude is based on serving leadership principles combined with my cross-cultural DNA and strong business orientation, accompanied by a profound global network with highly experienced HR professionals. I held management positions such as Vice President Compensation & Employee Benefits, Head of Global Mobility Management, Organizational Design and acted as Interim-HR Director in China and Project Manager in Malysia. Having a PhD in management from the University of Cologne and beeing certified as SixSigma Blackbelt round off my profile. Agile methods of management are part of my day to day business.
Verfügbar ab: 01.04.2025
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Sprachen Typ  
  STANDARDSPRACHEN -> Französisch  
  Turksprachen -> Türkisch  

Ausbildung Typ  
  Rechts- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften -> Wirtschaftswissenschaften  

Branchenerfahrung Typ Jahre
  Informationstechnologie 17
  Biotechnologie 1
  Verarbeitendes Gewerbe 1
  Telekommunikation 17
  Kredit- und Versicherungsgewerbe 1
  Erziehung und Unterricht -> Hochschulen 3

Auslandserfahrung Typ Jahre
  Mittel- und Ostasien -> China 1
  Südostasien -> Malaysia 1
  Südeuropa -> Türkei 1

Linienerfahrung Typ Jahre
  Personal 17

Softskills Typ  
  Dieser Kandidat/diese Kandidatin stellt Ihnen noch keine Softskills zur Verfügung  

Unternehmenstyp Typ  
  Mittelstand -> international -> f - Umsatz über 500 Mio Euro  
  Konzern -> international  
  Konzern -> national  
  Öffentlicher Bereich -> national